If you are hoping to purchase rats from us, the sooner you register with us to reserve the rats you are hoping for, the better.
Please use the form to the right to make first contact with us.
Below you will find a form that you will be asked to complete. You can either download it from the site now, or wait for us to reply to your contact. We do, however, require the form completed before we will consider any applications.
You will be asked to purchase two or more rats together.
The price for two rats together is £20.
Subsequent rats purchased at the same time are £7 each.
Returning customers may receive special dispensation.
When you return your application form to us, it would also be useful if you would include photographs of your rat set up. If you already have rats, it would be nice, but is not essential, to also see pictures of these. Please try to send photographs that are under 100kb in size.
Download Application Form
To download the form, click the link above. You can now view, but not use the form.
To the top right of the browser's screen there is a button that says 'download'.
Click this.
Open it from the location from which it saved to, on your computer, and use as a Word document.