Ebony - March 2014

Date of Birth: 
March 13th

Ebony Rattus McCoan
Black Self Top Eared
Lively, funny, affectionate, and playful.
No known health issues, past or present.

Seigfried Rattus McCoan
Black Self Dumbo
Sweet natured, gentle, curious, likes exploring.
Due to an accident, Seigfried has had to have the tip of his tail removed. This happened after the litter was sired, and was purely an accident, nothing genetic, or contagious.
We will not be breeding from Ebony again, due to the fact that she has recently started nipping. We do not wish to produce rats that may nip their owners. We have had no complaints from people who have had Ebony's babies, but we prefer to err on the side of caution.

Seigfried, since siring this litter, has risen to dominance among our male rats. He is a kind and gentle dominant, which is exactly what you want in any group of male rats. He's becoming more and more affection towards uas he gets older, also.

Due to my own ill health, I was unable to seek homes for a number of this litter while they were still small, so they remained with us until they were 14 weeks old; some remaining with us as forever rats. For this reason, we have quite a number of pictures of them as larger rats. It will also be useful for us to monitor the health of our line personally, rather than relying on our customers to provide feedback.

When we were small:




Then we got a bit bigger:



And then .. we got even bigger!